Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Film Meeting Thursday!

Yep.  Thursday.  7:30.  Berg.  We'll talk about plans, get this all started.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Random Rolls...

Ok, I did some random rolls, and actually did 3 instead of 2, since the first, the very first genre number was 14... (a last minute genre addition by Jay S.)

Here's what I generated:
Set one:
14.  Musical
5.  Suitcases
6.  Book

Set two:
4.Thriller/Psychological Thriller
13.  Bar/bartender
18.  Pocketwatch

Set three:
10.  End of the World
4.  Unopened letter/letter

Ok, so now we need a plan.  Jim says we should mull this over and try to meet--I hope on Thursday at the Berg, since I need to be there for Round Table this week.  We don't all have to show up, but would be good to get feedback.  Re:

we all choose any of these, and just write a script?
we throw out two and all work on one set?
how long would this film be?  (Jim, between tequila and pickle juice shots, suggested 5-7 min...)
when do we finish?
and other stuff.

So, let, um, Jim know...know

later, bob

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Dark City Script Generation

Ok, here's more (rather than less) of what we posted for topics:


1.  Science Fiction
2.  Ecology
3.  Cyberpunk
4.  Thriller/Psychological Thriller
5.  Mystery/Mystery Thriller
6.  Silent
7.  Paranoid fiction
8.  Slice of Life
9.  Comedy
10.  End of the World
11.  Fantasy
12.  Journey/road-trip
13.  Alternate History
14.  Musical    [shudder...]


1.  Sloth
2.  Naked bodies
3.  Dirty martini
4.  Unopened letter/letter
5.  Suitcases
6.  Book
7.  Compass
8.  Roach/beetle
9.  Peanut butter
10.  Cigarettes
11.  Hand sanitizer
12.  Fire
13.  Bar/bartender
14.  River
15.  Wrestling
16.  Computer/network/avatar
17.  Phone
18.  Pocket Watch
19.  Open/locked door
20.  Math equation 

 Decide if we need to add or delete any items, and then, according to Jim, we'll roll for one genre and 2 objects as a framework to generate scripts.  I'd suggest that we roll two sets, and vote on which one we want to pursue, then decide on a time-limit, and start writing.



Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Dark City Films

Hey, ok, here's the deal, more or less or sort of,,,
We need to keep making films, whatever length we decide, and maybe random genre/object.  Do we want more categories or are those enough?  One object or two?

We'll write scripts, decide if we like any, or combine, reject, whatever, and then film things.  All will be brilliant.

Ok.  Each of you--post as a reply--two genres and two objects and whatever else we need to decide about.

Hi friends